Garrote Rogue Wild stats
Class Winrate Total Games
Death Knight 57.1 49
Demon Hunter 51.5 33
Druid 58.4 423
Hunter 61.1 90
Mage 54.0 274
Paladin 59.8 174
Priest 63.2 579
Rogue 51.0 671
Shaman 59.2 358
Warlock 67.7 378
Warrior 59.3 86
Total 58.6 3115
Deck Opponent Rank Replay Link

### Garrote Rogue AAEBAaIHBJW6ApG8AvefBMygBQ31uwLpsAOqywPz3QOO9AP2nwSKyQTXowW/9wXungb8pQatpwb8qAYAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#2605 Legend

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