Wickerflame Burnbristle
Wickerflame Burnbristle

Name Wickerflame Burnbristle
Card Set Caverns of Time
Id 103215
Mana Cost 3
Attack 3
Health 3
Classes Paladin
Minion Type
Spell School
Flavor Text Wickerflame Spent Years As A Recruit For The Goons, Never Making The Big Time Because He Always Fired His Chest Cannon Too Slowly " Hey," He Thought, "maybe If I Keep My Beard Lit On Fire, I Can Do This Faster " Boom, Promoted
Text <b> Taunt</b> <b> Divine Shield</b> <b> Lifesteal</b>
Keywords Lifesteal, Taunt, Divine Shield
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False